
Contact Details for Applicants

You would like to apply for a position at the PAYBACK GROUP? You have questions regarding the application process? Please contact us via email: 


Contact Details for PAYBACK Customers

Please use the online form to contact us: 

If you have any requests or concerns, please feel free to submit them via our online contact form. This ensures they will be received and dealt with quickly. All enquiries are processed and answered as soon as possible. 

Click here for the contact form

Support by phone:  

Call +49 (0)89 540 20 80 20 having your card number at hand. 
Fixed network charges apply, mobile phone charges may vary.
Office hours: Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm


Contact Details for Companies

Are you interested in setting up a partnership with PAYBACK? Are you looking for Marketing or Consulting support?

Click here for the contact form


Whistleblower system

The following reporting system can be used if Loyalty Partner GmbH, Loyalty Partner Solutions GmbH and PAYBACK GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the PAYBACK GROUP) have information about risks or violations of human rights or environmental obligations or in our supply chain. In addition, our colleagues have access to their known contacts in this regard. In our supply chain, we recognize the value of local and company grievance systems.

Click here for the reporting system:

The associated rules of procedure clarify the scope of application of the reporting system within the meaning of the LkSG and describe the procedure for recording and further processing reports:

Link to the rules of procedure (pdf) in English