Donate points at and in the PAYBACK app.
Top scores in all categories for parent company of PAYBACK
11fold points through January
11-fold points to start from January 2nd
With immediate effect, the more than 31 million PAYBACK customers in Germany will be able to reward themselves with points for purchases made at…
Up to 50x points and discounts up to -70%
This is the result of this year's Germany-wide customer satisfaction study conducted by the daily newspaper WELT in cooperation with the analysis and…
Long-term contract with market leader in bonus programs - Even closer linkage of all communication channels and even better offers for customers
From now on, 31 million PAYBACK customers can score and save on all beauty and care products in the asambeauty store: The traditional, family-run…
The PAYBACK GROUP is once again one of the "best employers for women". This is the result of a study conducted by Germany's leading women's magazine…
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